Tuesday 30 March 2010

After making my film i can see that there are many weaknesses and strengths in my final piece. I also have realised the mistakes i made whilst making the film and how i could avoid these in the future.

I encountered several problems whilst filming mostly due to continuity and technical problems. Keeping continuity throughout the whole film proved a difficult task due to things like the actors hair growth and the brightness of the sun. To prevent this from being a problem i would of, at the start, identify potential problems and try to make sure they don't become them. For example you could film inside to prevent lighting issues or film all of the footage within a short period of time.

Another problem was more technical in nature where my footage would either not upload or not record all together. This meant the the footage had to be reshot further adding to the problem of continuity. In order to avoid this i would carry out checks on all the equipment before filming and check that all the footage has been saved on the camera before stopping filming.

Some things went well with my film however. For example i think i was able to create a tense atmosphere using lots of camera movement and quick cuts. A problem with this technique is that it requires alot of footage and i had not realised this i would of filmed more footage had i known.

Overall i am satisfied with my final product and feel that i have learnt from it.

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